Park Falls at the Koenig’s Lake House, June 14-16

Our first stop is near Park Falls, WI, to stay with our friends Kurt and Brenda Koenig at their beautiful lake house on Round Lake.    

We stopped in Minocqua, WI for dinner, and ate our dinner watching the local summer ski team (the Min-Aqua-Bats - get it?) practice. 

After dinner we went for a beautiful boat ride on the area interconnected lakes, including Round Lake, Pike Lake, Turner Lake and Amik Lake.  

On Saturday, we headed out to Copper Falls State Park, which was truly spectacular!   A few pictures below:

After a gorgeous afternoon in the hot tub, Kurt and Brenda prepared a delicious dinner of halibut (that they had caught in Alaska!) and then played some Yahtzee, which was a blast, haven't played for years.

On Sunday morning we went to church at Christ Servant Lutheran Church in Park Falls and then, after saying goodbye to the Koenig's,  headed out to our next stop, Fargo. 

About 45 minutes in to the trip, a deer appeared out of nowhere, Cindy slammed on the brakes and somehow we missed a large doe.  Whew!    A few miles after that a rock hit the windshield and put a large crack across the drivers side.   An omen of future trouble?   Or smooth sailing for the rest of the trip since those little scares are out of the way?   We shall see....  we crazy glued the crack so it will hold for a few days, now on to Fargo!

Thanks, Kurt and Brenda, for an amazing weekend!  


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